Pomo was born out of a passion for the dance scene and a desire to get ‘involved’. The story began in late 2011 when Directors Paco Chan & Ricky Stone first made contact and decided to lock forces to merge their already successful companies R n R Asia and Pomo Pomo. Since then they have been hard to separate, working relentlessly around the clock delivering major Acts and talent to some of Asia’s biggest clubs. In 2017 Ricky Stone have resigned Pomo & Stone, but the spirit still keep going for Pomo. And now Pomo is at the forefront of the International dance music scene and one of the most forward-thinking Events Companies in Asia. Pomo has brought famous Artistes to Macau including Flo Rida, Nelly, Lil Jon, Taio Cruz, deadmau5, Chris Brown, Tiesto, Bigbang and Jason Derulo to name just a few. Tirelessly developing new concepts, Pomo are currently involved with many events and numerous exciting projects throughout Asia. Pomo & stone 的誕生是源於兩位對音樂及舞蹈充滿熱誠的始創人-Paco Chan 先生和 Ricky Stone 先生共同創立的。於2011 年年底,在音樂的驅使下兩位董事Paco Chan 和Ricky Stone 第一次碰面,兩位董事趣味相投一拍即合,便立即決定凝聚力量, 將他們各自已非常成功的公司R n R Asia跟Pomo Pomo 合併。從那時起,他們日以繼夜努力不懈地工作,務求將國際級的表演與頂尖的人材帶入亞洲區最俱規模的夜店。 直至2017年,創辦人之一 — Ricky Stone先生因個人因素而在中途退出了Pomo & Stone,但Paco Chan先生並沒有因此而氣餒,更是把Pomo & Stone重組,並兼持著與最初的理念,成就現今的Pomo,而在Paco Chan先生帶領下,Pomo逐漸發展成為亞洲區最有遠見及最俱前瞻性的音樂活動策劃公司,同時間亦致力策劃不少國際級的大型音樂盛宴。 Pomo曾將一眾炙手可熱的國際級歌手藝人及其他很多著名演出單位帶到澳門「嬌比」演出。包括 Chris Brown(克里斯小子), Deadmau5 (鼠來寶), Big Bang(韓國男子天團), Tiesto(提雅斯多), OT Genasis(美國饒舌歌手), Flo Rida(佛羅·里達), Nelly(尼力), Lil- Jon(美國饒舌歌手及製作人), Taio Cruz(泰歐·克魯斯) 等多不勝數。
Mail: info@pomoent.com