Numbers don’t lie, and the facts that since his beginnings writing songs for Lil Wayne, Pitbull, Diddy, Sean Kingston, and others, Derulo has sold over 50 million singles worldwide and racked up over two billion views on YouTube and 1 billion plays on Spotify, thanks to his uncanny ability to find new angles to tried-and-true trends. This has led to 11 career-defining platinum singles, including “Want to Want Me,” “Whatcha Say,” “In My Head,” “Ridin’ Solo,” “Don’t Wanna Go Home” and “It Girl.” He boasts over 20 million social media fans and followers.
數字不會說謊,而事實自從他開始為一眾荷里活炙手可熱的歌手寫歌,其中包括 Lil Wayne (律韋恩), Pitbull (嘻哈鬥牛梗) ,Diddy (吹牛老爹),Sean Kingston (肖恩金斯頓)等。
JASON DERULO的單曲全世界已售出超過5000萬隻,並在YouTube和Spotify上累積創下二十億的點撃率及十億的歌曲播放次數。這些數字為他奪下11個音樂事業高峰,更開創他音樂事業上更多新的里程碑。當中耳熟能詳的熱播白金單曲“Want to Want Me,” “Whatcha Say,” "In My Head," "Ridin' Solo," "Don't Wanna Go Home" 和 "It Girl” 使他擁有超過2千萬的社交媒體粉絲和追隨者。